Beware of False Information such as that of the Southern Poverty Law Center

Monday, March 12, 2012



Welfare & wealth redistribution only work when the national and federal voting citizens elect gods in human form, persons whom they have never met and about whom know very little to nothing, into positions to make laws for them as their representatives.
These elected "representative gods" strive to make voters think that they, the voters, call the shots, while in truth these reps of our disobedient choosing  usurp authority over all, and compel all under their authority to contribute to a cesspool of indebtedness to be distributed to persons and things unworthy and often vile.
Someone Trustworthy says that they “call themselves “benefactors”, but there is a price to be paid for the benefits they “give” you from your neighbor’s labors.
Then one day the voters "wake up" and realize they've been had, and that without apparent remedy (so they think). Proverbs 1 gives some startling insight into this scheme, understandable to those whose heart is open and keen to the Spirit’s still small voice:
Proverbs 1:10-33
Wisdom on Welfare

Skeptical? Think: What happens if you don't "voluntarily participate" in the plans enforced by the gods we have created? Many "citizens" are incarcerated and even murdered for not participating through "paying their fair share".
If we can't see it yet it's just a matter of time before we will, perchance? (Compare: 1 Samuel 8)
Has Christ ever identified the intent of these  "elected representatives" ? Maybe so in  Luke 22:25-26 with a follow up description of the true public servant at the end.
Not just anyone can be an elected official, but “whosoever will” can be a public servant of God. (Emphasis on public…not private, ergo self-indulgent)
Should we delegate to another what Christ has assigned to us, and not expect consequential misery for all? See Matthew 6:33 for the ONLY remedy. If we really want to know what it means, Spirit will speak if we LISTEN with an open heart.
About that remedy…
The Kingdom of God is NOW, and it is the government of God which starts with the family; the Kingdom of God is not something to "die for" and be attained in the future. I hope your church doesn’t teach that. If so, you may want to think about it since "NOW faith is..."

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